First of all, the editor (me), loves the game of football. Let’s make that perfectly clear upfront. Played it, watched it, studied it. We all get it that it is a violent game, but no one who has played the game wouldn’t have taken the opportunity to play it professionally if they were given the chance. Especially given the financial rewards offered the elite group of players good enough to make it to the [...]
Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard’s second book together, Killing Kennedy, is an outstanding read on a subject that has fascinated generations. It’s a little different than their first book, Killing Lincoln, in that it focuses more on who may have had a motive for wanting the President dead. It is not biased one way or the other, and there are legitimate theories as to why someone or some group would want [...]
The intent here is to not deny this historic event, but to shed light on the events that lead to this terrible moment in our history. It is most certainly worth the read. Whether you like Bill O’Reilly (however, let’s not minimize Martin Dugard’s contributions to this book!) or not, this is an easy read and has an incredible insight to the thinking of an insane man (JWB) and what would [...]
Aside from reading the Warren Commission report itself, this book puts the conspiracy theories to rest. It is an incredibly detailed account of the events surrounding the assassination of JFK 50 years ago this November. Mr. Bugliosi took a totally unbiased and legal-minded approach to the topic and dispels the majority of theories surrounding who else was involved. The conclusion that comes out is that it was Oswald. And only [...]
If you haven’t read this book, make sure it’s the next one you read. It will literally give you an appreciation of what the term “sacrifice” means. A beautiful account of courage and determination that almost seems impossible to be true. But these events really did happen. And the people that it happened to survived to tell about it and go on to live productive lives. The only way anyone [...]