LoDFirst of all, the editor (me), loves the game of football. Let’s make that perfectly clear upfront. Played it, watched it, studied it.  We all get it that it is a violent game, but no one who has played the game wouldn’t have taken the opportunity to play it professionally if they were given the chance. Especially given the financial rewards offered the elite group of players good enough to make it to the NFL. But some would have played for free. In the older days, the players virtually did play for free. But if this is the career you choose, you know that it has the potential to be damaging. Concussions are common place. Just a fact. You know that going in. But if you can’t count on support AFTER you have finished, is it worth the risk?

But this isn’t about the “IF” you will feel the effects of such a punishing sport, but ”WHEN”.  What happens to you as part of the league that makes billions, yes billions, of dollars a year, AFTER you have played, is what is so disturbing. This book is a SHOCKING account of how this monetary giant, the NFL,  tried to turn its back on the very players that have made the league what it is today. This includes the pioneers of the game. To try and simply deny that the Webster’s, the Seau’s, the Hoge’s, the Young’s, the Toon’s, etc. weren’t permanently affected by the game, is simply appalling. Over money? Mike Webster was living in his car!  And the league still fought him tooth and nail on benefits to treat him.  Really? Junior Seau shot himself to death.  As did others. And no doubt there’s more to come. Mr. Goodell, take care of these guys. Please. You will still get your bonus. The head of any major corporation should appreciate and care for the employees that make them successful. Someone should have told Paul Tagliabue this.

Kudo’s to the authors, Mark Fainaru-Wada and Steve Fainuru for having the courage to bring this horrible injustice to light.  Read the book.




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